Obviously I will be talking about the down side of being Kenyan. Okay I dunno why that is obvious, its not like I am a pessimist or something! Oh wait! .......Naaaaaa. No *cough* I am not.
But Kenya really is a wonderful country. we are recognised and shit!! for instance our MPS are the most paid in the world. That means Kenya is the richest country! Either that or it has the dumbest voters.!!
It also has the best security!! Its not like people get away with killing as much as other countries. When you make a kill list of 100 people, we are confident that you will be caught by the time you will like the 40th person. That is guaranteed
The calling rates are great. No wait. I am not even going to be sarcastic about that. Safaricom is fucking killing us. And we are so hooked on it that we dont fuckin realise it.
Masomo ni tamu! We got free education so everyone has a chance to get to school and learn all the important stuff. Like riotting, throwing stones, setting things on fire and so and so. If you have time, you can actually get a real education. Haha . Kidding. Why read when you can get examination leaks, bribe teachers and of course mwakenya! Aaaaa. Mwakenya! where would I be without you? That's right!! Still in form 2!!!
And the most important people in Kenya do not get paid like they deserve. Like teachers. Kwanza those Nursery and Kindergarten teachers. I think those are the ones that are supposed to get paid the most because they take a lot of shit!!! Showing a class of like 30 kids how to hold a pencil, individual and trying to convince them to do something their teacher is calling 'writing' is just hard. To me it is. I guess they could be paid more if somehow got a way to increase revenue! Just dont tax the Mps or get them to reduce their salary. That would just be inhumane!! Who does that!
Anyway that is just a few of the things that bite me about this 254 Republic aka Kenya aka Nchi ya Masonko aka Nchi ile Obama Alizawako!
So follow me take a cynical view what is great bout Kenya and dont hesitate to tell me what you think. I am open to ideas so that I sont be those people that talk about a problem but dont do anything about it. No i am not talking about Mps. I am talking of even the others that do this.
PS. I did not proof read or edit this post. Mainly because I am using a cyber. Partly because I hating reading for long . partly partly because I want ro see I many mistakes I make. Something MPs dont do.
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